- You must Post the Rules.
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in the post. And create eleven new question for the people you tagged to answer.
- You have to choose 11 peoples to tag and link them on the post.
- Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
- No tag back.
- No stuff in the tagging section about " You are Tagged if you are reading this" you legitimately (a.k.a really,trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people
11 things about me ::
- nama penuh : Nurfatiha Ezany .nickname : teah
- aku suka makan. smua mknan yg sedap akan aku mkn. haha
- ank ketiga dan terakhir dlm adx brdx aku. (manja)
- suka gelak besar.
- mulut suka celoteh la jgk kdg2.
- cats lovers
- minah rempit jgk kdg2
- suka jogging (tpy x kurus2)
- suka karaoke
- suka kacau org
- gediks jgk kdg2. (hahaha)
soalan dari minho ::
- Who are you ?
- In your house do you have your own bedroom ?
- Your own Country or Korea ? and why ?
- What does your blog Url means ?
- Do you consider yourself a nerd ?
- Lady gaga or Didie Alias ?
- How many times you yawn a day ?
- Which one you prefer Digi/Hotlink/Celcom ?
- Who is your best friends Give me five ?
- Do you think you annoy people sometimes ?
- Am I asking a crap questions ? Answer me truthfully.
answers ::
- seorang manusia semestinya dan berjantina perempuan yg beragama Islam dan berbangsa melayu.
- mesti la ada.
- Malaysia of coz. bcoz I love Malaysia. <3
- its mean about my life as a chubby girl but in a story form.. hahaha
- no. i think I'm a up-to-date person. :D
- of coz Lady Gaga.
- several times. (doesn't count)
- Hotlink of coz.
- Nor Fatin Izziati , Nor Farhana , Ros Nabila . Balqis (Kim) . Jannah .
- yes. I think everytime.
- no. to me its a brilliant question. :D
soalan aku ::
- maksud nama anda?
- sudah mmpunyai BF/GF?
- apa yg anda lakukan pada masa lapang?
- adakah anda punya ramai kawan?
- sikap ganjil/pelik diri anda?
- lagu barat @ tempatan mnjdi kegemaran anda?
- astro penting ke tidak bgi diri anda?
- kalau x update blog selama sebulan apa akn jdi pda dri anda?
- filem kegemaran anda?sebab?
- jenama cokelat kegemaran anda?
- tarikh2 penting pada anda?
aku x tahu la nak tag siapa.
yg nihh je yg dapat aku pikir.
bgi sesiapa yg nk jwb soalan nihh silakan..
xpe walaupun aku x tag. koranx buad je mcm aku tag k.